‘Kuntum’ campaign reaches out to children in Manjung

SEVEN front-line government agencies and three orphanages in Perak received Kuntum magazines, sponsored by Vale Malaysia – one of the world’s largest producers of iron ore, pellets and nickel.
The sponsorship was part of the “Kuntum Bersamamu” campaign, which was a corporate social responsibility programme by the Star Media Group (SMG) Berhad.
Kuntum launched the campaign shortly after the movement control order began last year.
Copies of the educational magazine were donated to the children of frontliners as a show of appreciation for their contributions in battling the Covid-19 pandemic.
Vale Malaysia chief executive officer Rodrigo Ribeiro de Araújo said the pandemic has affected the learning journey of many children in Manjung, with schools having to be conducted on virtual platforms.
“With these magazines, filled with fun and interactive content, we hope children in Manjung can continue to learn and expand their knowledge at home.

“The distribution of Kuntum magazines will keep these children occupied and entertained at home, which is important during the pandemic, as most of their parents spend long hours working on the front line every day”.
“Vale recognises the important role that frontliners play in Malaysia’s pandemic recovery journey. Together, we will rise from the pandemic stronger and more resilient,” Rodrigo said.
The “Kuntum Bersamamu” team, led by Kuntum editor Norlia Jaafar handed over the magazines to Manjung police chief Asst Comm Nor Omar Sappi at the Manjung police headquarters.
ACP Nor Omar advised the public to follow the standard operating procedure stipulated by the National Security Council at all times during the pandemic.
The crew then headed to the Sitiawan Marine Police headquarters to deliver Kuntum magazines to commanding officer DSP Fakharuddin Amri Sanusi.
Meanwhile, Hospital Seri Manjung deputy director (medical) Dr Zarina Fuad was thankful for the magazines and said they would be placed in the children’s ward.
The team also delivered Kuntum magazines to the Seri Manjung and Sitiawan Fire and Rescue Departments, which were by the respective station heads Shuib Idris and Mohd Zaki Zainol.
At the Sitiawan Civil Defence headquarters, which was selected in recognition of its frontliners’ role in the fight against Covid-19, Lt-Kol (PA) Nur Atikah Aziz received the magazines at the Manjung Municipal Council.
The crew also visited two charity homes, namely Rumah Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Sanathana Dharma Ashram in Sitiawan and Pusat Jagaan Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Yatim Rumah Wawasan in Manjung.
SMG Print Department executive Sharifah Thuraizah presented the magazines to the two homes.
The last recipient of Kuntum magazines was Maahad Tahfiz Bayt Al-Ikhlas in Lumut.
Norlia hoped such sponsorships for Kuntum would continue to bring some cheer to the children while contributing towards their education.