
At Star Foundation, we believe it takes collective effort to bring about meaningful changes. That is why we aim to partner with purposeful social organisations in carrying out impact-driven and sustainable projects to enhance the lives of local communities and safeguarding the environment.

With grants awarded once a year, the Star Social Impact Grant (SSIG) supports projects that are aligned to our focus areas and ones that can achieve impactful outcomes.

  • Applications open to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises
  • Each grant amount is valued up to RM50,000 per application
  • Project duration should not be more than 12 months

Have questions about SSIG?

Check this FAQ Section

To Apply

Application for Star Social Impact Grant 2025 is available now.
Download and fill the project proposal template and submit it today at online application form.

Focus Areas

Star Social Impact Grant welcomes projects that are aligned with our following focus areas:
  • Take care of the needs of vulnerable communities
  • Equip marginalised communities with knowledge, training and skills so that they can attain productive employment to earn a sustainable living
  • Run programmes to address social, education and economic inequalities in modern society
  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Ensure needy communities have access to basic infrastructures such as clean water, sanitation facilities, electricity etc. to elevate their quality of life
  • Protect, conserve and rehabilitate the environment, especially forests and wildlife, through effective advocacy/education efforts and meaningful on-ground initiatives
  • Promote healthy living and well-being at all ages including raising awareness, screening and prevention initiatives
  • Address a wide range of diseases and the many different persistent and emerging health issues through provision of treatment and healthcare especially to vulnerable communities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Application for SSIG 2025 is now open, you may submit the grant application by 31 March 2025.
Star Foundation supports registered NGOs and social enterprises that are aligned with our focus areas:
  • Community development
  • Education
  • Access to basic needs and infrastructure
  • Environmental protection
  • Health and wellbeing
In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant must:
  1. be active charities, non-profit organisations or social enterprises that are legally and locally registered with the relevant authorities;
  2. submit either their Registrar of Societies (RoS), Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia (JKM) or Companies Commission (SSM) certificate to verify the organisation’s legitimate registration status;
  3. submit audited financial statements for the previous calendar year;
  4. be solely responsible for the preparation, management, and submission of the application, proposed project and budget breakdown, and not be acting as an intermediary;
  5. be at least 18 years of age to apply;
  6. not be a permanent and/or contract employee of Star Media Group (including its subsidiaries and related companies) or their respective immediate family members (i.e. their parents, spouses, children, and siblings).
Star Foundation generally supports impact-driven and sustainable projects carried out by NGOs and social enterprises within our focus areas as listed in the section above.
Projects submitted should:
  1. be aligned with one or more of Star Foundation’s focus area(s) in addressing the needs of vulnerable Malaysian communities or the environment;
  2. have a clear timeline and to be completed within 12 months of receiving the grant;
  3. demonstrate the ability to produce measurable outcomes and impacts by the end of the project (not limited to the number of people the project benefitted);
  4. ideally introduce innovative solutions to existing social issues;
  5. possess the ability to be scaled up/expanded/replicated across Malaysia.
Under SSIG, Star Foundation does not support projects of the following nature:
  1. Direct donations or grants to individuals;
  2. Direct donations to support an organisation’s operational expenses and staff salaries, except if associated with proposed project;
  3. Sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, studies, courses etc.;
  4. Initiatives related to medical/academic research, provision of medical devices, health treatments etc.;
  5. Initiatives that support political campaigns or faith-based activities;
  6. Fundraising events, donation drives, events and conferences, gala/annual dinners etc.;
  7. Building/construction activities for organisation’s own premises or expansions, land or vehicle purchases.
Any duration up to 12 months of receiving the grant.
Each grant amount is up to RM50,000 per application depending on the complexity of the project.
All applications must be submitted through Star Foundation’s website and upload the following documents as attachments:
  1. A formal letter, printed on the organisation letterhead, to indicate application for SSIG
  2. Completed Project Proposal with Implementation Plan and Budget Breakdown
  3. A copy of registration certificate from Companies Commission of Malaysia/ Registrar of Societies
  4. A copy of all licenses, certificates, permits and/or any other document (e.g., fire certificate, etc) required by law for the operations of the organisation
  5. A copy of tax exemption certificate (if applicable)
  6. Audited financial statement for the last fiscal year or any other document reflecting the annual income and expenditure of the previous year
  7. A copy of bank account statement clearly indicating organisation name and account number
  8. A copy of Form 8 / Form 9 / Form 3 / Form 49 / NGO’s current committee members list
  9. Brief information on past programmes with relevant brochure/ photographs/ programme booklet/ audiovisual files (if any)
Yes, as long as the project fulfills the criteria and is aligned with focus areas under SSIG.
No, applicants can only have one project under one submission.
Processing and approval of grants may take two to three months from the grant closing date (subject to changes).
All grant applications are first reviewed by the Secretariat and shortlisted applications are presented to the Star Foundation Board of Trustees for final approval.
Star Foundation will be in touch with you to inform you of whether or not your application was successful.
Once you are successful in your grant application, the process is as follows:
  1. Star Foundation will notify you on the grant application result
  2. Star Foundation will disburse the funds to your organisation in one sum based on the amount approved
  3. Upon receiving the funds, grant recipients are required to issue an official receipt and sign an acknowledgement sheet for the funds received
  4. Grant recipients are required to submit a letter acknowledging that the funds were used for agreed-upon expenditures, along with mid-term and project completion Grant Utilisation Reports
Project applications that were unsuccessful would not be reconsidered for funding. Star Foundation recommends that you submit a new application for a different project or new ideas.
You can reach out to the Star Foundation team at +603-79671388 or starfoundation@thestar.com.my for assistance.