The Star shines at inaugural agro awards

Star Media Group (SMG) education journalist Rebecca Grace Rajaendram was presented the top prize in the Print Media and News Portal (Best Feature Article) category at the inaugural 2023-2024 Agrobank Media Awards.
The 35-year-old received RM5,000 and a trophy for highlighting the importance of technical vocational education and training (TVET) and the need to increase youth participation in the agricultural sector to enhance Malaysia’s food security.
Titled “Food for all”, the article was featured in StarEdu, SMG’s education pullout published in Sunday Star on Sept 17 last year.
The “Rock & Roll” themed event, held at a hotel in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, recognised the work of media personnel who report on the agricultural sector, which plays an important role in ensuring the country’s food supply.Thanking the organisers, Rebecca Grace described the win as “an unexpected blessing”.
“Winning this award shows how education permeates every sector and encompasses every industry one can think of – the importance and role of learning goes beyond schools, colleges and universities,” she said, adding that in light of climate change, food security has become a “hot and very relevant issue”.
There is a critical disconnect between the needs of the nation and the interest of young talents who will determine the country’s future labour force, she said.